Delivery, Handling and Storage
Proper care in storing and handling metal panels is essential in providing customers with years of service. Panels should be installed immediately to prevent storage oxidation or paint peel. Any panels not im- mediately installed must be kept dry and stored in an indoor area. Extreme caution should be taken in order to prevent moisture penetration of the stack(s) by rain, snowfall or condensation. Condensation is moisture that accumulates naturally from the change in temperature of the material nested in a stack where adequate ventilation has been restricted.
Store the panels off the ground, on wooden blocks with one end slightly elevated. Cut banding to allow the stack to expand and allow a small amount of ventilation. Cover the stack with loose canvas tarp or waterproof paper. Covering should be placed over the stack but never tightly secured to the ground to allow air flow. Do not cover metal with plastic as this can create condensation.
It is the responsibility of the sales rep to ensure the safe installation of these product systems. Metal panels have sharp edges, therefore protective clothing and gloves should be utilized. To prevent eye injury, safety glasses must be worn when drilling or cutting steel panels. Steel panels can become slippery when wet. Use extreme care when walking on any roofing panel. Proper underlayment is necessary to prevent fall-through. Plywood is recommended on all non- structural panel applications. Do not work on steel panels when wet or when weather conditions are not suitable for safe installation.
American Roofing company recommends all employees
comply with the Georgia Fall Protection Act, all OSHA (Occupational Safety & Health Administration)
requirements (#3146, dated 1995), and any other applicable safety rules or laws.

Metal Basics
Metal roofs require a bit of special attention. How you handle, cut and store materials will effect the final look. Proper safety and handling procedures must be followed when dealing with metal. Before we get into measuring and quoting jobs lets go over the basics that will be applied to all types of metal roofing.
Installation Information
There are three critical measurements involving roof panels: the length required at the eave, the peak end and the amount of panel lap (if required). In each case a certain measurement is required. Check each measurement to ensure panel placement gives you the distance required at the eave, peak and endlap condition (if required). In most cases any variance can be taken out at the eave and peak.
This certification program details the standard line of trims and accessories for SM-Rib roofing and siding applications. Additional trims, including custom accessories, are available upon request.
In residential applications, American Roofing recommends the use of minimum 15/32 plywood or 7/16 OSB decking. In addition, we specify a 30# felt be installed in accordance with local building code requirements to control condensation. NOTE: American Roofing Co. does not recommend the use of square headed cap nails. If tin tabs are used to secure the 30# felt to the decking material, ARC recommends a separation sheet of 15# felt or rosin paper be used over the 30# felt, applied in the same direction as the panels. If the building param- eters differ from those stated in the manufacturer’s recommended fastening schedule, specific fastening calculators must be computed by the engineer of record.
Re-Roofing over shingles
Metal roofing panels may be installed over existing asphalt shingles, provided the roof decking integrity has been confirmed to be free of any moisture decay that would prevent un-level- ness or fastener pull out capacity. NOTE: Ordinances regarding roofing applications over existing shingles vary by county and state. Check your local building code organization for more information.
The panels may be applied directly over one layer of existing shingles, provided a separation sheet is installed on top to the shingles. We require a minimum 30# felt installed in the same direction as the panels.
Trimming and Cutting Panels
Whether cutting with the profile (length-wise) or across the panel (width wise), it is best to use an electric nibbler, shears or hand tin-snips. It is very important to cut panels one at a time with the finish side of the panel facing down on wood blocks. Care should be taken to ensure that the hot metal particles and filings from cutting and securing the panel do not become embedded in the panel.
Filings from screw and panel cuttings must
be cleaned off the panel after screws have been applied through the panel to avoid rust marks or “bleeding” on the panels. Failure to comply with the above procedures relieves Southeastern Metals, and its parent company, Gibraltar Industries, of responsibility for any resulting damage to, or deterioration of the finish and voids any paint or finish warranty.