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Project Photos

Here we will discuss the different photos that are required on every project. Photos are key in most situations. They provide proof and also give everyone the ability to see the progression of the pipeline at different stages. If you have any questions don't forget to ask!

Material Loads

 There are a lot of instances when we need proof of the amount of material used or dropped on the job site. We have found that a photo in RoofLink and a comment listing out what was dropped by the supply house is the best way to do that. Essentially you will take several clear pictures of the material and then upload it into the job file in RoofLink. after you upload that file go back to message thread and comment on how much material and what kind was dropped on-site by the supplier. We need to make sure that all of the following steps are taken on every single job... 

  • Load the dump trailer so that the materials can easily be counted 

  • Take clear photos of the material that is loaded. Make sure that all the materials are in the photos and that they can be counted easily by them.

  • Upload the photos into the job file in RoofLink.

  • Post the amount and type of materials dropped by the supplier that will be on-site when you arrive to drop the trailer or the following morning. Either way, we need pictures of the materials that were dropped by another company before our crews ever pull any of them off the pallet.

If you have any questions regarding these project pictures get with your IPM

Dropping A Trailer

 You should always do your introduction call before delivering ANYTHING to the homeowner's house. Customers do not like a surprise visit with a trailer that will be blocking access to a garage or other section of the property that they may need access to. Make sure to coordinate this drop with the homeowner on every job. If you cant reach them by phone or text then do the deliveries that you can make contact on first and continue to try to reach out. In the event that you are still not successful then all you can do is go out and make the delivery. Make sure to text them and let them know that you are going to have to make the delivery so that the crew will have it there for the tear-off first thing the following morning and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We typically drop the trailer and the accessories on the same side of the driveway as the pallet of shingles. This makes it so that one side of the garage/driveway is still accessible if need be. This is also a great time to do a walk-around of the property and snap some before pictures to ensure that no preexisting damage is blamed on the crew or other ARC staff. If a homeowner wants a trailer parked in the yard explain to them that there could be damage done to the grass and we can not be held responsible if the trailer is placed on the grass at their request. They will need to fill out a "lawn wavier" before the trailer is ever pulled on to the grass. Get with your IPM to get lawn waivers so that you will have them with you in the event you need them. When you drop off a trailer make sure to always take pictures of the material on the ground and that the material can be counted easily with the pictures. Also, comment on the amount of shingles and other materials that were dropped by the supply house. We will need this later to verify that the right amount of material was dropped on site. Check out the video below showing you step by step how to unhook a trailer properly!

Pre-Existing Damage

Once the dump trailer is dropped at the house in the appropriate location, walk around the house and property to begin inspection for any pre-existing damage. It is a rare occurrence but it does happen when a homeowner claims that we did damage to their property when that may not be the case. Not to say that the homeowners are lying or trying to get something for free in every case but perhaps they just had not really paid close attention to the exterior of their home prior to this roof install. It's easy for homeowners to notice things that were already there when they are walking around their home looking at the job and making sure everything is in order. If we don't have pictures of any exterior damage before the build then we can not say that we didn't do it and we pay to fix it. We want to make sure we have clear photos of the entire exterior of the home "pre-build" to help clear some of this confusion up. Remember that it is better to have too many photos than to not have enough. Follow these steps to make sure nothing is missed. 

1. Start inspection at the front of the house. 

2. Take photos of any damage or areas of concern.

3. Work your way around the house clockwise and inspect each side of the house for any damage.

4. Once all areas inspected upload photos into the customer job in RoofLink.

5. Create a message in RoofLink and tag the IPM that the photos have been uploaded if any pre-existing damage is found.



Window Screens/Windows

Columns near front door

Any brick or stone near the house



Garage Doors


Back Patio Area

Yard Furniture

Electrical Lights/Yard Lights

Code Items

 When visiting a project being installed for any reason, photos of supplemental items are needed. Either take photos yourself and upload, or work with the crew on-site and on the roof to take photos for you and send it to your phone to upload. Photos of Supplemental Items helps us get the material needed for the roof paid for and is required on every single project. If you need help with this get with your IPM. These will be uploaded into the job file for the project in RoofLink.

Photos of Items Needed:

Drip Edge

Drip Edge


Ice & Water Shield


Old & New Flashings


Old & New Wood


Picture of vehicle in front of install


The Completed Project 

Photos are needed once the roof is completed and the OPM goes to pickup the dump trailer, roll the yard, and cleanup any trash. OPM will perform a walk-around inspection with the homeowner in attempt to get a COC document signed by homeowner. If homeowner is not home or available then OPM will perform walk around inspection still for photos and any updates that needed reported. The COC is on the bottom of the work order and is vital to the in-house procedure to get the additional funds released to the homeowner. When you take your final completed roof pictures you will need to upload them into the RoofLink file for the appropriate customer and into the "Pics. for Facebook" message thread on messenger. 

Photos Needed:

1. Any materials left over from the install.

2. Any new damage caused by the crews that needs repaired.

3. Inspection photos after walk-around has been performed.

4. Production vehicle in-front of the completed house.

All Finished Up?? Move Forward Here!

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