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The Online Store 

The online merchandise store is a great resource for all of our sales team members. We add new things all of the time but the most important items everyone will need can also be found there. These items include but are not limited to yard signs, shirts, business cards, door hangers, ladders and cougar paws. Keep in mind that to be able to order from the store you must hit your minimums for the previous week and have signed at least five roofs. Your purchases will be removed from future commissions. Prices may vary of items but you will only be charged for the cost of the item plus shipping. There are certain items that you will see only branch managers can order. These items you will have access to but the order will be denied after it is submitted. If you see an item that you would like to purchase yourself reach out to your branch manager and see if they can order it for you and you pay the company for it directly. Some of these items will be standard issue when you reach certain thresholds. After you have received the company issued items if they are damaged or lost then you will be responsible for replacing them. We do offer higher end shirts and other items such as bags and briefcases. All of these items will be ordered and the logo embroidered on them. Not all of the pictures show the items after they have been embossed with the logo but all items will have the logo on them. Below you will see a breakdown of the store items you will receive at what point. 

  1. Business Cards (After 1st Signing) After you have signed your 1st contract we will order you 500 custom cards. These will be shipped directly to your branch and will either be received at a sales meeting or you can go by and get them when you have been notified they have arrived. Refills will be ordered upon request after you have used your initial 500. * You will not be charged for these refills.

  2. Care Package (After you have signed 5) Once you have signed 5 contracts we send you a care package in the mail from corporate. This will include several of the small items from the merchandise store. 

  3. Yard Signs & Magnets (After you have signed 5) These magnets and yard signs will automatically sent to your branch for you. The information that will be put on these products will be what you have saved in Acculynx. You will receive 1 set of door magnets and 10-yard signs with stands. After you have used these 10 you will request refills on the online store.* You will not be charged for these refills.

  4. Ladders (Once you are made a sales manager) After you have become a sales manager you will be sent two telescopic ladders for your new team to use. These will be sent automatically to your branch. You are responsible for these ladders and they are not to be given freely for team members to keep. If they wish to purchase your ladder reach out to corporate and something will be arranged. 

Check out the video below to get a quick overview of the American Roofing Store. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to your direct supervisor. 


Things to Remember about the store!

*** Items that are $0.01 are provided to you at no cost. 

*** There are certain requirements that must be met before you can order from the online store.

*** You do not pay online for any of the merchandise. All purchases will be removed from future commission.

*** All of the clothing items and bags will come embroidered with the company logo on them. 

Check Out The ARC Online Store Here

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