Sales Numbers & Lead Credit
In Rooflink you have to go to "leads" then assigned and then click on each sales guy's name and look at all the customers they have logged. You will pull up the " sales number: spreadsheet for whatever branch you are working in and log the correct info under the sales guys tab. You will have to make sure they have at least 10 pics and subject to agreement scanned in with insurance info claim number and customer signature. You will note if it is an office lead or door knocking. Per the leads, You will know what percentage of commission they will get on this job once it goes to build. if they don't have all the info you need to give them credit you will send a message in RoofLink asking them if they it and to tag you once it is uploaded. Once it is uploaded then go back and add the additional info and change the commission percent if need be. Sometimes they do not tag you on Fridays and you will go back and check to see if they uploaded anything and just forgot to tag you ( most of the time they do NOT tag you so you have to check for yourself).