Logging visits in the salesman Goal Spreadsheet.
First, open Spotio and make sure you are logged in and are on the dashboard.
Second, at the top left you will see the calendar symbol. Here is where you can change the date to check the daily leads for the salesman.
Third, after you have chosen the date you will click on reports and then click on visits.
Fourth, you will have your split screens open with Spotio on the left and the goal spreadsheet on the right. To open the Salesman Goal Spreadsheet, you go to your google drive, open shared with me. Look for the tab that says “Sales Managers” click it and then you will see a tab for each branch.
Fourth, click on the branch and then click on a Sales Manager.
Fifth, once the excel spreadsheet is open you will see tabs at the bottom for each salesman that is under that sales manager. .
Sixth, you will put in the number of visits/knocks they had for the day in the blue column and press enter. If you do not see their name listed on the list on the left hand side of the screen in Spotio then you must record a “0” for their knocks for that day . YOU MUST RECORD A NUMBER FOR EACH DAY, do not leave it blank.
Logging weekly visits for Salesman and Sales Managers
There are two spreads I record this information in. One spread will list them in order from the most knocks to the least knocks for the week. The second spread will have a tab for each branch for you to plug in the numbers and it will create a percentage they are knocking daily for that specific week. This will give you your top “knockers” for the week. (this information is only off of the salesman that have logged their knocks in Spotio)
Weekly Knock Report
First, Log into the web page for Spotio.
Second, at the top left you will see the calendar symbol. Here is where you can change the date to check the weekly leads for the salesman. You will select the dates for Friday-Thursday. All reports are run on Friday’s to show the knocks from the previous Friday through Thursday. You will include the weekend because the salesman knock 7 days a week.
Third, after choosing the dates, click on VISITS VERIFICATION.
Fourth, you will see three different ways, you can sort the information given, listed at the top: Total, by users, by distance. You will click on “by users”. This will compile a list of all the salesmen and sales managers in order from the greatest to the least number of knocks for the week chosen. It will have # of verified and # of unverified. Verified means they were within 100 yards of the address when they dropped the pin and unverified simply means they were outside the 100 yards when they dropped the pin.
Fifth, you will then have your split screens open with Spotio on the left and the spreadsheet on the right. To access the spreadsheet, go to your google drive, click shared with me. Look for the tab that says “weekly knock reports”.
Sixth, you will input the data on the left side of the screen into the spreadsheet on the right by entering the name, # of verified, # of unverified, Total, and branch.
Seventh, once you have all the data on the spread, save it as a copy and print a copy for the salesman knock data binder.
Weekly Report for ALL
First, log into the web page for Spotio.
Second, at the top left, you will see the calendar symbol. Here is where you can change the date to check the weekly leads for the salesman. You will select the dates for Friday-Thursday. All reports are run on Friday’s to show the knocks from the previous Friday through Thursday. You will include the weekend because the salesman knocks 7 days a week.
Third, when doing this spread, you will want to filter by Territories. So, you will choose the territory to match the branch tab you are working in.
Fourth, after choosing the dates and filtering by territory, click on VISITS. You will see several different ways you can sort the information across the top of the screen., click on “by users over time”. This will break down the total number into how many visits they had each day during the date you chose.
Fifth, you will then have your split screens open with Spotio on the left and the spreadsheet on the right. To access the spreadsheet, go to your google drive, click shared with me. Look for the tab that says “ ARC-weekly report for all”
Sixth, you will input the data on the left side of the screen into the spreadsheet on the right side by entering a number in each daily box and then it will add the Fri-Thurs boxes for you in the yellow total column. The green column will then generate a percentage from the numbers you plugged in and you will be able to see who had the highest percentage for the week. You will do this for each branch. There is a tab along the bottom of the screen for each branch's data to be logged under.
Seventh, you will look at the yellow and green columns to see who were the Top 2 Sales Manager’s and Top 2 Salesman for the week. (Remember, these numbers are just based off of the visits logged into Spotio) You will then type those in at the bottom of the spread.
Eighth, You will repeat this process until you have completed it for each branch. Then, you will share this with your manager